Gallery Open 11:00am to 4:30pm

Weekends, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter
Proudly supported by Parks Victoria

Friday, 28 February 2014

Contemporary By Nature is Open!

A great show and all the glitter at the opening. The weather behaved - and if the approaches to Como Landing were a little primitive we look forward to better this coming weekend - we have a promise from the engineers at Stonnington Council!

Karen Foley with Bromiliad
We'll have more images from the opening soon - some of our photographers are perfectionists and won't let images out unless they are amazing...

Admiring Joy Lea's work
In the mean time prepare for the start of enjoyable autumn weather - 25° both days - the island will be a great place for a picnic!

Robert Lee's "Wandering Shrine"

Monday, 17 February 2014

A Mild Weekend.... and Next Exhibition

The Basketmakers finally had a full weekend to show their work - and wasn't it wonderful! So now you have another exhibition to visit! Here is the information from the Contemporary Art Society - and watch this space for images!

We would like to extend an invitation to you, and all art lovers, and lovers of nature, to visit our eighth Contemporary by Nature: An interpretation of the natural world, an art exhibition by members of Melbourne's own Contemporary Art Society of Victoria. It's part of the 2014 Herring Island Summer Arts Festival and opens Next Saturday!

Do join us for drinks at the opening of our art show THIS
Saturday 22 February, 12 noon to 2pm, in the Herring Island Gallery. If you can't make it to the opening, our show is open each weekend till Labour Day, Monday 10 March - we'd love to see you, and we're sure you'll love this year's show! Gallery open: 11.30am - 4.30pm. Note: access to the island is from Como Landing South Yarra via the Parks Victoria Punt service (during gallery hours).Contemporary by Nature 2014 will include sculptures in forged steel and found objects, sculptures in precious metals and stones, oil and acrylic paintings on various surfaces, drawings and prints in numerous media, photographic and mixed media works, all interpreting aspects of nature in very different ways. Be it animal, vegetable or mineral, land or sea, storm or calm, night or day, light or shadow, there will be something to delight the eye, the senses, the imagination. Come and enjoy ....

More info....
Herring Island is in the middle of the Yarra River, just 3km from the city. The Herring Island Park is a haven for nature and art lovers alike. The exhibition will be held in the gallery on the island. There are several permanent sculptures made from natural materials that reflect the island's tranquil setting.Access to Herring Island is by the Parks Victoria punt service from Como Landing (Melways ref Map 58, G2) and the service operates between 11am and 5pm. Punt charges: $2 per person or $5 per family, with pensioners, unemployed and children under 12 free. Car parking is available in Alexandra Ave.

In this exhibition, both established and emerging contemporary artists have explored aspects of nature, in a wide range of artistic media! Each day of the exhibition a different exhibiting artist will be "on duty" at the gallery. A great opportunity for you to ask questions about their artwork, and inspiration behind the work.

All images from the exhibition will be on the CAS website at the conclusion of the exhibition. And get updates about all shows on the Island from the Herring Island Summer Arts Festival website.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Red faces all round

Saturday was hot - Sunday was a disaster - in fact a series of disasters. Yes it would be far far worse in a bushfire zone - but the sitters who arrived on Sunday to open the gallery and care for the hardy souls who braved the heat to see the artwork waited on the landing - in the heat - in vain. The punt had mechanical troubles and was unsafe to run - and no one told our gallant sitters - their red faces were due to a combination of heat stress and irritation.

We have lessons to learn - about communication mostly - as we can't plan for those gremlins in the works. So apologies all round - sorry everyone that you couldn't visit on Sunday. But....

Next weekend will be better - better weather for a start - a blissful 23 degrees - oh joy - a touch of rain - bring it on! Parks Victoria has had the mechanics in and the punt is running well. And no one got in and bought that work that you wanted - so get in this weekend and see those amazing works in fibre.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Summer Time and the Drift is ...

Yes it will be hot on the island on Saturday, and only marginally less hot on Sunday - so gird up - take your hat, sunscreen and water bottle - there are cool drinks and amazing artworks in the gallery.

The Gallery opens at 11:30 am - before the heat really gets going? Be there to enjoy the work.

Images courtesy of Andrew Dilley

Saturday, 1 February 2014

Too Hot! - No Show Tomorrow!

Unfortunately tomorrow is forecast to be over 40° and the island will be unbearably hot, not to mention the punt operator will be roasted and it's likely to be a total fire ban day....

Herring Island Gallery and 
Summer Arts Festival will be 
Closed on 
Sunday 2nd February 

Don't go there until next weekend when hopefully it will be cooler

Dear Info Centre,
For your information.
The CFA has declared tomorrow a day of total fire ban with a “Very High” fire danger rating for Central District.
Due to the predicted excessive heat please note the Herring Island Punt Service will not be operating this Sunday 2nd February.
This is in recognition of staff working on board the Punt having little relief from the heat as well as the Basket Makers of Victoria volunteers operating throughout the day.
An information board will be placed at Como Landing to advise of these arrangements.

Regards, Peter Teesdale

A Great Opening

Jean Stone with her "Drifting by Fruit Bowl"

an exhibition full of great work

Maree Brown with her work

Don't miss this show - come as early as you can to dodge the heat. There's plenty to enjoy.