Gallery Open 11:00am to 4:30pm

Weekends, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter
Proudly supported by Parks Victoria

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Australia Day Public Holiday 2013

Cressida Fox from the Contemporary Art Society
With the tennis over, life on the river settles back to its normal rythm. You never know when 250 people might decide to spend the day on Herring Island in sunshine (not too hot) and pleasant company. The island's barbecues were well used and some people went on the tour of the island led by Damien from Friends of Herring Island.

The Basketmakers' display
Bridget Nicholson was out wrapping people's feet in clay.

Liz Reid's flying fingers working on a basket
Ceramics Victoria's display - in addition to working with clay for visitors
And in the courtyard the four exhibitng groups were well represented with demonstration and participation events.
ASV member, John Bishop nearly completed his limestone sculpture on the day

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Right under the great tennis player's nose

Herring Island
Herring Island is hidden in plain sight between Alexandra Avenue and the South-Eastern Arterial – just a good crowd's roar from Rod Laver Arena. Many of our visitors say that this is their first visit to the island. Some, when we talk about the island, don't know where it is.

This Australia Day holiday all this could change – good weather will favour more than the tennis:  members of the Association of Sculptors of Victoria, the Basketmakers ofVictoria, the Contemporary Art Society of Victoria and Ceramics Victoria will be on the island in the gallery courtyard and giving demonstrations of their various creative skills. This is a collaboration between the Herring Island Summer Arts Festival – a series of exhibitions of work from members of each of these organisations and the Australia Day Council (Victoria).

The exhibition currently in the gallery is that of the Association of Sculptors of Victoria. All the work on display has been recorded and images are available on the ASV website

Elsewhere on the island artist Bridget Nicholson will be working on her Touch This Earth Lightly project

Saturday, 19 January 2013


Councillor Barbour from Yarra Council opened the exhibition
Blessed with perfect weather the Summer Arts Festival got off to a relaxed start with celebrations in the gallery and pleasant sunshine in the courtyard. The work looks great and already three of them are promised to new homes. It is quite a compliment to the artist when someone puts down their hard earned cash for a sculpture.

And here is a preview taken before the launch.