Gallery Open 11:00am to 4:30pm

Weekends, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter
Proudly supported by Parks Victoria

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Opening the Ceramics Victoria Exhibition

The weather was very unkind to Ceramics Victoria - in fact a lot of people in Victoria had it seriously bad on Friday evening the 4th and Saturday 5th February. The river was running high and people were busy coping with the results of flash flooding. So the beautiful exhibition had to wait a day to open. Unfortunately the sponsor, Decal Specialists, couldn't be there - but the prizes were announced:
Highly Commended "Out of Earth VI" by Sharyn Masson

Prize Winner Lene Kuhl Jakobsen with "Earthly Gifts"
Sharyn Masson's "Out of Earth VI" was the runner up and Lene Kuhl Jakobsen's "Earthly Gifts" won the Decal Specialists Prize.

Robert Lee was able to snatch an interview with Yvonne Torrico, to talk about the work she has on Herring Island.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Australia Day on Herring Island

We had a ball! People came for the exhibition, the artists' talks and demonstrations in the courtyard, the guided and self guided tours of the island - the weather was kind, the river gentle and we were close enough to the city to see the flypast.
Thanks to the artists who gave up their holiday to play on the island and thanks to Rick from Parks Victoria who drove the punt for hundreds of people to visit us.
The weekend of the 29th and 30th January is the last for the sculpture - next weekend the Ceramic Victoria exhibition will cast a new light on clay!
See you there!

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Launching the 2011 Festival

It was tricky setting up on Friday - but we can count ourselves lucky - the floods that have been so devastating elsewhere merely caused a bit of hilarity as we laboured in the rain to deliver our work - Dave Ryan from Parks Victoria did a brilliant job of driving the punt in the fast current - and the sculptors helped each other carry work to the gallery and then organise a wiping brigade so that we didn't flood the place as we brought the work in. Mind you we weren't up for taking pictures - there was work to be done. At any rate the show was duly set up and left to rest over night while the weather sorted itself out.
Saturday was fine - no rain and no excessive heat and we had a buzz of guests for the opening.
Nigel Caswell addressing us - supported by Valda Cuming's "Creature from the Deep".
ASV president Geoff Williams introduced our opener- Nigel Caswell - former head of Parks Victoria. We had representatives from councils on both sides of the river and visitors from the other arts groups to be showing work over the months of the festival.
And after all that we got to relax, or walk the island and to admire the exhibition - it was a great start and thanks to everyone it is a great exhibition.
Relaxing after the opening