Gallery Open 11:00am to 4:30pm

Weekends, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter
Proudly supported by Parks Victoria

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

488 Works and Still Room for People!

Opening of a well attended and appreciated exhibition
Lots of people came to see the opening of A4Art Australia. Indeed work did come from all over Australia to form Herring Island's and Australia's "biggest yet" exhibition of A4 sized 2D and 3D art work.

words of thanks to the volunteers
Volunteers from the Contemporary Art Society spent a lot of time framing work that had been posted in - part of the innovative format of the exhibition. Then it was hung - a lot of it five deep in a dazzling array.
Cr Jami Klisaris from Stonnington Council
declaring the exhibition open

The A4Art exhibition is the final exhibition for the 2016 season and runs over Easter - Saturday 26, Sunday 27 and Monday 28 March and Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 April.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Contemporary by Nature runs until 14 March

Stonnington Cr. John McMorrow opened the Contemporary Art Society exhibition on 27 February 2016. The show runs every weekend until and including 14 March.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Drift - the Basketmakers' exhibition on Herring Island

The Basketmakers work
in a range of natural and synthetic fibres
Councillor Ullin, Mayor of the City of Stonnington did the honours and opened the second exhibition in the Summer Arts Festival series. The gallery has been transformed with amazing works in fibre of all descriptions.

Thank you to Andrew Dilley for the fine images taken at the opening.

HISAF representatives, the Mayor of Stonnington and
President of the Basketmakers

Mercedes Wolfenden "Flow"
Cristen Jo Stone
Lesley Hall "Embers"

Wrapping up the Sculpture

"Narrative" - the sculpture exhibition closed on 31st January with the announcement of the People's Choice Award. Amazingly it was a draw - with two sculptors each winning 56 votes out of the 458 cast.
Michael Meszaros and Fatih Semiz will be sharing the prize. We drew the voters' prize too and look forward to hearing from the winner who has been notified via email.

Michael Meszaros "Pursued"
Fatih Semiz "Quinarius"
You can see all the images of works from the exhibition on the ASV website.

So long sculptors - see you next year!

Australia Day 2016

The start of a limestone carving
progress on John Bishop's work
Australia Day was fun! The four groups were all represented in the courtyard, the Roulettes flew past, Damian from Friends of Herring Island ran a guided tour... and the weather was great!

We had lots of visitors and look forward to seeing them at all the following exhibitions.
The Contemporary Art Society has all the colours
Basket makers at work
Damian from Friends of Herring Island
ran a tour of the treasures of the Island.

Marcela demonstrating polymer clay
Elnaz, Monica and friends getting their hands into the clay

Monday, 18 January 2016

Festival Launch for 2016

As the planning progressed we ordered new banners and set them up a couple of weeks before launch date. You can see them from the coffee shop across the river, so a coffee before the punt starts operating at 11am is a real thing.
Then the sculpture was brought in - and for once the setup was accomplished in fine weather - no floods, fires, storms or other catastrophes.

the gathering for the launch of HISAF 2016 image courtesy Cetta Pilati
The big day dawned, the people came and Coucillor Claude Ullin, Mayor of the City of Stonnington launched the 2016 Herring Island Summer Arts Festival and opened the "Narrative" exhibition of work by members of the Association of Sculptors of Victoria.
Cr Ullin speaking at the launch of HISAF 2016
image courtesy Cetta Pilati

The show is open and welcomes visitors - remember only two more weekends to see this one. Then you can return to see the work of the Basketmakers of Victoria.

Fatih Semiz with his work
image courtesy Jackie Mackinnon