Gallery Open 11:00am to 4:30pm

Weekends, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter
Proudly supported by Parks Victoria

Friday, 18 April 2008

Ceramics Victoria - the Sculpture Prize - 5th to 20th April

And what a note to finish on! The sculpture prize was awarded with due ceremony on the 5th - the public have been treated to a great show of ceramic sculptural works - the whimsical, the naive, the playful, the sophisticated - all on Herring Island.

Koorie Heritage Trust 15th to 30th March

Koorie Heritage Trust brought us artists that are also represented in KHT's three galleries in King Street - and the more casual environment of Herring Island introduced a lot of people to the work that the Trust does. Quite an eye opener all round.

Contemporary Art Society of Victoria Inc. 23 February to 9 March

The main exhibition showed a range of two and three dimensional work - a rich blessing of ideas, colours, forms and philosophies. Thirty one artists graced the walls and pedestals for this show - plus, in the courtyard, Robert Lee gave us Nabi 2008 - an installation of branches and other objects found on (and finally returned to) Herring Island.