Gallery Open 11:30am to 4:30pm

Weekends, Australia Day, Labour Day, Good Friday and the Monday after Easter
Proudly supported by Parks Victoria

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Australia Day 2008

Australia Day on Herring Island -
in the courtyard . . . . . Ann-Maree Gentile creates in clay while chatting to a visitor to the WASA exhibition; Esther Kirby carves an emu egg; Maree Clarke from the Koorie Heritage Trust looks on.
in the gallery ....... Janet Matthews (WASA) demonstrates while Peter Teesdale (Parks Victoria) chats with Ellen Jose, the creator of "Tanderrum", part of Herring Island's permanent sculpture collection.

Tuesday 22 January 2008

Working on Tanderrum

In 2007 visitors to the Herring Island Summer Arts Festival were generous and as a result - we - the artist/organising committee were able to undertake repairs on the permanent collection of sculpture on Herring Island. Under direction from the artist, Ellen Jose, we set about restoring Tanderrum.

First Ellen came and inspected the work and approved our approach - then the work began: bringing together Castlemaine slate, mortar, oil for the wood and all the little bits and pieces needed to make the process a success.

It was hot work - Summer again by the time we had everything - and the artist - altogether. At last the work is ready to re launch - and the Island is a-buzz again with the 2008 Summer Arts Festival. We are ready for Australia day when Ellen will speak a few words about the significance of her work and its place on Herring Island - in the centre of a ring with five stones.